SEHBC Summer Eights Report

Another year, another Summer Eights for SEHBC. 2024 did not bring as many bumps as hoped for, but it was still a strong regatta for Teddy Hall, with true Hall spirit, strength and resilience on show across the week


This year’s beer boat (in a more literal sense than usual!) quickly established itself as one of the fastest boats in its division, dispatching Trinity with ease on Day 1 and taking down St Hughs on Day 2 even with 7 rowers after a seat malfunction. A tight battle with GTC on Day 3 ended up with an unfortunate over bump by Trinity after GTC and New impeded the M3’s progress, before Day 4 redemption, once again bumping St Hugh’s.


A strong start saw a bump on St Peter’s on Day 1, before they took their revenge the next day with a bump back. A bump by LMH on Day 3 was followed by an epic rowover in front of Pembroke on the final day, leaving them -1 for the week!


Starting in front of strong college M2s and even M1s meant a tough week for the M2. Bumps by Wolfson and St Hilda’s were backed up with two epic rows past boathouse island, taking a gutsy rowover and a late bump by Wadham to land -3 overall.


The Teddy W2 continues to go from strength to strength, rising +3 across the week with bumps on Somerville, Balliol and New W2s, with blades sadly only being denied by a Day 3 rowover. The highlight, however, has to be the chase on Jesus bumping outside the boathouse, despite the fact they had already got a row past bump on Balliol! A charge for the fixed divisions next year is on the cards for this crew.


A week of two halves, beginning with two quick bumps by Magdalen and Univ. Day 3 brought one of the greatest comebacks seen on the Isis this year, escaping overlap from Wadham in the Gut to grind out 5 lengths on them by the finish. The final day was a highlight, with a close chase of Balliol all the way along the course for another rowover, going -2 across the week.


Starting at 2nd on the river, our W1 did the Hall proud in the face of strong opposition. A bump by Univ on Day 1 was followed by an incredible 3-boat race on Day 2, with Wadham closing in from behind whilst closing in on a revenge bump on Univ in front. Wadham got their bump on Day 3, before holding off an incredibly strong Pembroke crew on Day 4 until they bumped after the Gut, leaving them -3 for the week.


SEHBC Season Report 2023-24


SEHBC Summer VIIIs crews